145 results
Chemistry (CHEM)
Course Course Title Credits
CHEM-1111 General Chemistry Lab for Engineers 1 credit
CHEM-1112 General Chemistry Laboratory 1 credit
CHEM-1190 Research Techniques and Applications 1 credit
CHEM-2119 Laboratory Methods in Organic Chemistry 1 credit
CHEM-2120 Chemical Synthesis Laboratory 1 credit
CHEM-3101 Chemistry Seminar II 1 credit
CHEM-3121 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory 1 credit
CHEM-3130 Advanced Chemical Principles Laboratory 1 credit
CHEM-3135 Physical Chemistry Laboratory 1 credit
CHEM-3190 Independent Research in Chemistry & Biochemistry 1 credit
CHEM-3231 Biochemistry Laboratory 2 credits
CHEM-3290 Independent Research in Chemistry & Biochemistry 2 credits
CHEM-4242 Advanced Analytical Methods 2 credits
CHEM-4250 Senior Integrated Laboratory 2 credits
CHEM-4251 Adv Chem Lab II: Synthesis/Spectroscopy 2 credits
Entrepreneurship (ENTR)
Course Course Title Credits
ENTR-2111 Introduction to Entrepreneurship I 1 credit
ENTR-2112 Introduction to Entrepreneurship II 1 credit
ENTR-2191 Special Topics in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1 credit
ENTR-3190 Directed Studies: Junior Level 1 credit
ENTR-3195 Internship 1 credit