151 results
Culture and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC)
Course Course Title Credits
CLAC-3125 Russian Basics: Language and Culture for Non-Specialists 1 credit
CLAC-3126 Istoriia Rossii (The History of Russia) Non-Specialists 1 credit
CLAC-3133 La Republica Dominicana: Una Introduccion (An Introduction to the Dominican Republic) 1 credit
CLAC-3134 Culture, Identity, and Language in Contemporary Brazil 1 credit
CLAC-3301 Paris: the Biography of a City (Paris: La Biographie D'une Ville) 3 credits
CLAC-3308 Una breve historia de America Latina en el siglo XX a traves de su musica Popular (A Concise 20TH Century History of Latin America Through its Popular Music) 3 credits
CLAC-3309 Spain in the U.S. 3 credits
CLAC-3340 Haciendo Negocios En Latinoamerica (Doing Business in Latin America) 3 credits
CLAC-3343 Relaciones fronterizas Mexico-Estados Unidos (bilingue) 3 credits
CLAC-3344 Teaching in the Bilingual (English/Spanish)classroom 3 credits
CLAC-3346 La economia espanola y la Union Europea (The Spanish Economy and the European Union) 3 credits
CLAC-3372 Practica profesional en Espana (Internship in Spain) 3 credits
CLAC-4102 Special Topics in Languages Across the Curriculum 1 credit
CLAC-4130 Quanqiu Shangwu Wenhua-Zhong-Mei Jiaodian (Global Business Culture) 1 credit
CLAC-4202 Special Topics in Languages Across the Curriculum 2 credits
CLAC-4302 Special Topics in Languages Across the Curriculum 3 credits
Entrepreneurship (ENTR)
Course Course Title Credits
ENTR-1342 Arts Entrepreneurship Mindset 3 credits
ENTR-2111 Introduction to Entrepreneurship I 1 credit
ENTR-2112 Introduction to Entrepreneurship II 1 credit
ENTR-2191 Special Topics in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1 credit