• I started my career as a software engineer designing and building early WiFi routers until such time that I began my graduate studies in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy. This change in careers is not as big as one might think. I love to study ancient philosophers, not just because they can help us understand how we've ended up in our current intellectual context, but also because they force those of us who take them seriously to rethink our fundamental philosophical questions and assumptions. My particular interests have led me to think and write about the nature of science and expertise from the ancient Greek perspective.

    • Ph.D. - University of Texas at Austin
    • M.A. - Georgia State University
    • M.T.S. - Emory University
    • B.S. - Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
    • "The Challenges of the Modes of Agrippa" (2016) Apeiron 49 (4): 409-435. DOI: 10.1515/apeiron-2015-0077
    • Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
    • Ancient Skepticism and Science
    • Classical Greek Philosophy
    • Hellenistic Philosophy
    • Introduction to Philosophy
    • Ethics