345 results
Spanish (SPAN)
Course Course Title Credits
SPAN-3330 Introduction to Spanish Literature to 1700 3 credits
SPAN-3331 Introduction to Spanish Literature Since 1700 3 credits
SPAN-3332 Introduction to Spanish American Literature 3 credits
SPAN-3341 Peoples of Spain 3 credits
SPAN-3342 Madrid: Culture, Urban Identities and Glocality 3 credits
SPAN-3346 La economia espanola y la Union Europea (The Spanish Economy and the European Union) 3 credits
SPAN-3371 Introduction to Romance Linguistics 3 credits
SPAN-3372 Practica profesional en Espana (Internship in Spain) 3 credits
SPAN-3391 Special Topics 3 credits
SPAN-3398 Honors Reading 3 credits
SPAN-3491 Special Topics 4 credits
SPAN-3591 Special Topics 5 credits
SPAN-3691 Special Topics 6 credits
SPAN-4190 Reading and Conference 1 credit
SPAN-4191 Special Topics 1 credit
SPAN-4197 Internship 1 credit
SPAN-4290 Reading and Conference 2 credits
SPAN-4291 Special Topics 2 credits
SPAN-4297 Internship 2 credits
SPAN-4301 Genres in Creative Writing 3 credits