Application Deadline
  Award Type
  Award Amount

$1,500 - $10,000

First Year


Piano, Voice, Organ, Strings, Harp, Guitar, Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, and Composition awards available to music majors and non-majors alike.

Music scholarships are based exclusively on musical ability, irrespective of a major. All music scholarships, including departmental awards, are offered in addition to the University's academic and financial aid awards to provide overall support for a Trinity education.


  Who is eligible:

All prospective incoming First-year students, regardless of intended major or minor.

Students are strongly encouraged to apply and audition for a music scholarship as soon as they are prepared and establish interest in Trinity.

Students may audition at any time in the application process and should not wait until after they receive their official admission decision.

  Who is not eligible:

Sophomore, Junior, Senior, and Graduate students

While one may audition at any time, Music Scholarship Awards will only be offered to Incoming First-Year students who have completed their university application prior to the deadline and have been officially admitted to Trinity at the time of the Music Scholarship offer.

Note for International Students:

International students must complete an application for admission before applying and auditioning for music scholarships. Scholarships for international applicants are extremely limited in order to adhere to funding policies. Direct any questions about eligibility and timelines to the Office of Admissions.

Explore further: Trinity’s Student Profile



  How to Apply

Separate application and audition required.


Complete the Music Scholarship Application:

Complete the Music Scholarship Application on your applicant portal. ​If at all possible, students should complete the form at least two weeks prior to the desired audition date.


Feb. 24


Complete Your Audition

Students are encouraged to audition in person whenever possible. To audition in-person, you may select an audition time during one of the Admissions program visit dates or separately establish a day and time. If it is not possible to audition in-person, you may record the audition and send the file as an email attachment or specified link [see Audition Information for details].

Audition Process
  • Complete the Music Scholarship Application Form
  • Schedule an audition by indicating your proposed date on the application form
  • You will receive confirmation (or a request for an alternate date if needed) from either a music department office representative or the faculty member in your performance area
  • Student should then contact the faculty member in your performance area to finalize all pertinent details [see Audition Information for details]



March 2

Students should complete the Music Scholarship Application form at least 2 weeks prior to their scheduled in-person audition date.

  Audition Information

  Important Details

Selection Criteria

No scholarship award decisions are made until the entire process ends on the audition deadline listed above. The Music Department mails Letters of Notification in mid-March.

Additional Details

  • Students are not required to major or minor in music to be eligible for music scholarships
Renewal Information
  • Awards are  renewable for a total of eight semesters contingent upon continued full-time enrollment and participation in one or more of the performing ensembles.
  • Piano, Organ, and Guitar scholarships are renewable with continued private study.
How Trinity Determines Eligibility

Simple math!
Cost of Attendance - Student Aid Index = Financial Need

Note: If a student is provided an initial Financial Aid package prior to the mid-March award notification and receives a music scholarship, the Office of Student Financial Services will revise the University package and send the amended package directly following departmental notification.


Application and audition process:

Department of Music
Andrew Tucker, Academic Office Manager