Message from Hajrah Kashmiri

Congratulations on your admission to Trinity University!

Planning your future at Trinity is an exciting and challenging process. We, the staff at the International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) Office, too have studied and lived abroad, and can relate to the mixed emotions you could be feeling.

You will not be alone in your new journey. The ISSS staff is here to welcome you to our campus this August and to help you transition to your new living and learning environment.

Best wishes,

Hajrah Kashmiri
Assistant Director International Student and Scholar Services
Center for International Engagement 

headshot of Hajrah Kashmiri_2023

  Hajrah Kashmiri



What to Expect


International Student Orientation provides programs and services to support you in transitioning as smoothly as possible into Trinity campus life. ISO attendance is required for all new students on non-immigrant visas (such as F-1s and J-1s).

 ISO is an opportunity for you to:

   Learn F-1 visa regulations and other important U.S. legal information

   Attend information sessions and a fair

   Set up a U.S. bank account

   Form a community with fellow international students

   Meet Trinity faculty and staff who will be your support network throughout your time at Trinity


Parents and Families Welcome!

Parents and family members of international students are welcome to attend the information sessions and fair throughout the ISO. They may also join us for the campus tour. 

Preparing for Arrival

Your Pre-Arrival Checklist 

To ensure you have a smooth transition to Trinity's campus, this checklist contains key resources to help you prepare you for ISO. 

Check your Tmail

Strongly recommended

Regularly check your Tmail and the personal email you provided to ISSS and other Trinity University offices throughout the summer for important and timely information.

Watch the Pre-Arrival Sessions


Watch all of the following videos on establishing yourself as a Trinity student, campus resources and transportation, and more!

Fill Out the Arrival Form


Be sure to complete the New International/Exchange Student Arrival Form to let us know when you will be arriving in San Antonio for Move-In.

Orientation and Move-In Overview 

ISO Day 1 - Move-In Day: August 15, 2023

 *Required     Families Welcome
Residential Life will email you important information about move-in day. Please pay close attention to the information shared, and reply with any questions you might have.

Special Considerations:
 Be sure to fill out the International/Exchange Student Arrival Form well in advance of your arrival so that ISSS can better support you.
 If you want to ship things for your dorm, please contact Residential Life to see when you can start receiving packages at Trinity.

General Packing List

International Student Packing List

Mom and daughter standing in newly moved in dorm room


ISO Day 2: August 16, 2023

 *Required     Families Welcome
Day 2 of ISO will focus on providing you important and timely information to help in your transition to life at Trinity and in the San Antonio community. We will share important information about your F-1 status so that you understand your rights and responsibilities as an international student. Don't miss the I-Connect Fair, which will cover a wide array of topics, including:

  • Opening a US bank account
  • Health insurance
  • Meal plans
  • And much more!
Professor talking to students at a reception


ISO Day 3: August 17, 2023

Day 3 of ISO is all about about settling in and exploring San Antonio. You will also have the opportunity to connect with other international students and ask questions of our current ones!

People sitting at tables eating food


New Tiger Orientation (NTO): August 18–20, 2023

 *Required     Families Welcome
New Tiger Orientation is filled with tons of activities to make sure you meet your classmates, become familiar with campus, prepare for classes, and have the chance to participate in some fun and unique social events.

New Tiger Orientation

People standing at a music concert


Questions and Contact

The entire ISSS team is here to welcome you and support you as you enter this new chapter as a Trinity Tiger. Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns you might have.

Office of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)

Contact Us

four women pose and smile during the international student reception in Chapman Great Hall