Archive of Course-Embedded Research Grant Reports (1st Grant)

From 2013-2017, the Mellon Initiative awarded twenty-four stipends to arts and humanities faculty to revise existing courses and create new courses that explicitly guided students in the process of producing original research. The following are a collection of reports from many of these grants. 

Archive of Course-Embedded Research Grant Reports (2nd Grant)

After receiving a second five-year grant through the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in the spring of 2018, the Mellon Initiative began awarding stipends to arts and humanities faculty for 

  • redesigning lower-division courses that fulfill Pathways requirements by including course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs),
  • creating labs for individual or interrelated projects so students with various levels of experience could earn course credit and develop research skills while working with faculty on long-term research projects, and 
  • develop and implement regionally focused research projects that include opportunities for undergraduate researchers.  

The following are a collection of reports from several of these grants. 


Department-level Curricular Mapping Grant Applications