About the Service


  Who can use: Enrolled Trinity students

  Cost: No charge

  Confidentiality: This is a confidential service

  Session Limit: No limit

Schedule an appointment


Counseling services are confidential in accordance with the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers, and Texas legal statutes. 

Informed consent policies

What is Couples Counseling?

Couples counseling is most commonly focused on helping a romantic couple improve their relationship and occasionally to help them end the relationship amicably. This type of counseling at Trinity extends to roommates, suitemates, and friends as well.


Improved communication, reduced conflict, greater appreciation and acceptance of differences, and sometimes amicable break-ups.

Common Concerns

  • Trust issues
  • Interpersonal conflict 
  • Differing values and goals
  • Communication 
  • Loss of connection
  • Future of the relationship

What to expect

  • Prior to the first meeting with a counselor, each student will read about confidentiality and its limits, provide information that will help counseling get off to a fast start, and consent to receive counseling after any questions have been answered.
  • The counselor will ask questions to help the students describe the challenges that brought them to a counselor and help them clarify what they are working toward together collaboratively.
  • The students can expect the counselor to be caring, compassionate, and highly competent.

The counselor will expect the clients to engage as equal partners in the collaboration and, when indicated, execute the between-session action plan they developed together.